Black Teacher Project


Karla Bradford-Humphrey

Special Education Teacher (Grade 9-12) at McNair High School

KBradford-Humphrey is a published author, high school special education teacher, mentor teacher, and doctoral student at Georgia State University in the College of Education and Human Development, Middle and Secondary Department. She is pursuing a Doctorate of Education in Curriculum & Instruction with a concentration in Language & Literacy. Her passion for education and empowering historically marginalized individuals and students with dis/abilities extends beyond the classroom and academia. Through her active engagement in dis/abilities advocacy and education research, she critically examines and sheds light on issues affecting students with dis/abilities, exemplifying her commitment to service and education.

As an anti-ableist, anti-racist, and critical education researcher, KBradford-Humphrey is deeply dedicated to the racial uplift of the Black community. She finds joy in reclaiming and teaching freedom within the classroom and curriculum, striving to inspire her students and colleagues to embrace liberation and joy in education.

Her guiding philosophy reflects the words of Josephine Silone Yates:
“The aim of all true education is to give to body and soul all the beauty, strength and perfection of which they are capable, to fit the individual for complete living, hence to prepare him to meet the hinderances, as well as to accept the duties and pleasures of lifeā€”in short, the ideal of education is to render human life at once artistic, noble, and sublime.